Lockheed PV-1 Ventura
The Lockheed Company`s early success in WW-II with their Hudson bomber led them to propose a specialized bomber and reconnaissance version. Lockheed designated the new prototype the Model 37, and after a brief trial period, the RAF ordered a total of 675 of them, calling the new aircraft the Ventura.
They were larger, heavier, carried a larger bomb load, and had better armament than the Hudson, and entered RAF service on November 3, 1942. Very quickly, the Ventura`s limitations as a daylight bomber became apparent, as a large number were lost to enemy fire. They were turned over to RAF Coastal Command for domestic defense duties, and more than half of the original order was cancelled.
These spare planes were acquired by the US Army Air Force, designated as B-34s and B-37s, and were assigned to maritime patrol duties. The US Navy also placed an order, and their first airplanes were designated PV-1 Ventura. In June 1943, the Navy ordered a long-range, slightly-redesigned version, and this version became the PV-2 Harpoon. At least 2,100 navalized Venturas and Harpoons were delivered before the end of the war
Specifications, PV-1:
Engines: Two 2,000-hp Pratt & Whitney R-2800-31, radial piston engines
Weight, takeoff (lbs): 31,077
Wing Span (feet): 65`6
Length (feet): 51`9
Speed (mph): 322
Ceiling (feet): 26,300
Range (miles): 1,360
Armament: 2*12.7 mm (0.5) forward-firing machine guns; two more in dorsal turret; 2*7.72 mm (0.3) machine guns in ventral turret; plus up to 3,000 lbs. of bombs or depth charges, or one torpedo.
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1998 |
PV-1 Ventura versus a submarine |