Alexander The Great, The First Submariner?
Alexander The Great is considered to be the first submariner, some 332 year BC.
Aristotle (384-322 BC) the Greek philosopher recorded that Alexander The Great used some sort of diving bells in the siege of Tyre.
A few early histories describe him submerging in some sort of glass barrel and seeing sea monsters and other fantastic sights. ”He entered into a glass case covered with asses’ skins, that had a door that could be made fast closed with chains and a ring. Upon descending he took with him such food as was necessary, and two friends for company.”

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Image Country Year Description
Monaco 1962 New York zoological society Bathysphere and King Alexander the Great
Monaco 1962 New York zoological society Bathysphere and King Alexander the Great
Monaco 1962 New York zoological society Bathysphere and King Alexander the Great
Greece 1977 King Alexander The Great diving bell/submersible 332 BC
Turks and Caicos Is. 1996 Alexander the great decends to ocean bottom,332 BC
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